ZARYAN Nairi, was born on December 31 in 1990 in the village of Kharakonis (province of Van). An Armenian writer, public figure. Father of R. Zaryan. He graduated from YSU Faculty of history. In 1944-1946 he was the chairman of the Writers’ Union of Armenia.

The first collection his verses “In the Blue Canal Country” was published in 1926. The poems  “Hranush” (1925), “In November” (1926), “The cliff of Rushan” (1930), “Saqo Mikinyan” (1935) and the novel “Hatsavan” (1937, edited in 1949, staged in 1980) were about the civil war and social reforms carried out in Armenia. The collections of verses and poems devoted to the Great Patriotic War are also noteworthy  (“The battle Cry” 1941, “Revenge” 1942, “By Incandescent Spirit” 1943, “Listen, Centuries” 1943). The poem “The Voice of Homeland” (1943) became very popular. The tragedy “Ara the Beautiful” (1946, staged in 1946, 1965) is the most famous work of Zaryan. He wrote also the novel “Mr. Petros and his Ministers (1958), the book of memoirs “The Second Life” (published in 1982) which remained unfinished. Zaryan contributed to the development of the Armenian drama (“Near the Spring” 1950, “Testing Ground”, 1953, etc). In 1968 he wrote the tragedy-poem “Artavazd and Cleopatra” (staged in 1968). The works of the last period of Zaryan are “Sasna David” and collection of verses “I am Waiting for You” (1968, Armenian SSR State Prize 1972).

The deputy of Supreme Council of Armenian SSR. He died on July 11, 1969 in Yerevan.

Source - "Who is Who. The Armenians" Encyclopedia, Volume I, chief-editor Hovh. Ayvazyan, Yerevan, 2007.

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