Reporter-Roubina Peroomian Reporter-Zbignev Shmurlo


  On October 15-16, 2015 a scientific conference on “The Armenian Genocide-100: from the Recognition to Reparation” dedicated to the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide was held by the joint efforts of Yerevan State University and NAS RA. The two-day session on the theme “The Reflection of the Armenian Genocide in Literature” took place in the reading hall B of the NAS RA main library and in the hall of the NAS RA Institute of History. The conference was attended by the literary critics and historians not only from Armenia, but also from the USA and Poland. 

Mihran Minasyan from IAS department of Armenian-Ottoman Relations delivered a report on the theme of the Armenian Genocide in the Arab literature. In particular, he represented the literary works; poetry and prose of the Arab writers dedicated to the Armenian Genocide. He represented approximately 15 works written under the influence of the massacres of Cilicia. Minasyan spoke about the novels, short-stories as well as about the dramas. Summarizing his report, Minasyan stated that the works of the Arab writers are impressive both in quality and quantity. It is time for a comprehensive and in-depth study of the Armenian and foreign writers’ works, so as to get acquainted with them in detail. 
The report of Rubina Peroomian on “The Armenian Genocide in Literature, the Second Generation Responds” is worth mentioning. The author noted, that the influence of the Armenian Genocide still continues, “Children of the Armenian genocide survivors perceived and treated the parents’ traumatic past –whether they kept silent and did not share their harrowing ordeal, or they incessantly talked about it”. According to the reporter, the tragic past of the parents had its psychological impact on the family relations, and the representatives of the second generation use all the literary means to prove to the world that what happened in 1915 was genocide.
 There were also reports on the social-psychological consequences of the Armenian Genocide. Lilit Grigoryan spoke about the reflections of the Armenian Genocide in the works of both French and Armenian writers of France. She represented public speeches and articles of Anatole France, Albert Vandal, where the authors urged Europe to speak about the brutal force against the Armenians. She also represented the works of Henri Verneuil, Vahe Katcha, Shahan Shahnur devoted to the Armenian Genocide. According to the reporter, the theme of the Armenian Literature of Diaspora is the examination of the fate of the Armenians, the history if their past and present life.